Sep 1, 2014

Thoughts on My Last Semester As a College Student

It is September, which means the summer season has officially ended. As the hot summer sun lazily dips down under the horizon, a swarm of emotions wash over me. I am terrified, excited, happy, sad, and anxious. I am feeling everything at once, and at times, it is overwhelming. This Fall is an important time for me. As the leaves start to turn and the air gets nippy, my whole life is going to be laid out before me. This is my last semester of college, come January I am on to bigger and better things (hopefully). The life I am living is all I've ever known, and in a few months everything will be different. In a few months I will be done with school forever, I will move away, I won't be able to wake up next to the man I love every day, and I will be completely on my own. My heart is swelling with excitement but also breaking from sadness. I am hoping to get a job in the fashion industry, since fashion is the only thing in this world that I am passionate about. The fact that in a few months I could be working in the industry that means the world to me, the industry that I care about so much, fills me with delight. Waking up everyday and only thinking about fashion will be the most amazing time of my life. I am so excited for this, but at this moment in time,  I am freaking out as I apply for jobs. I know that everything will eventually fall into place, but Autumn has barely started and I am already stressed. I decided to make some Fall goals, because I think it is important to constantly make new goals for yourself instead of saving them all up for New Years Eve. 

Fall Goals:
1.) Don't stress out too much. A little stress is good for you, but I can't spend my days curled up in a little ball crying. I am hardworking and I  have been preparing for graduation for a long time. Everything will work out in the end.
2.) Really appreciate what I have now. My little blue house with the red door, morning kisses from my boyfriend, Texas football games, and getting an allowance from my parents. Pretty soon all of this will be taken away from me so I need to love it and appreciate it while it lasts.
3.) Have fun. It is my last semester in college, I know that I am so focused on my future but I need to make sure to have fun and enjoy this time.

I hope everyone makes Fall goals for themselves. I would love to hear about them so comment below or shoot me and email telling me your Fall goals!

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