May 25, 2014

Bull Shoals-White River State Park

I am so sorry for being MIA lately, y'all. I can't believe my last post was on May 12th, that is just unacceptable! Next time I take this long to post just feel free to send me angry emails. I do have a good excuse for my absence though. I am doing a ton of traveling during May and June, and with all the fun I'm having and all the time it takes to explore, It is so hard to find time to sit down at my computer. I will be posting about my travels, and of course my travel outfits, so don't you worry! Last week me and my boyfriend drove from Austin all the way to Bull Shoals State Park in Arkansas. The drive took forever, but we had a blast singing all of our favorite 90's jams at the top of our lungs. When we finally arrived, I knew that long drive was worth it. It was the most breathtaking view I have ever seen. Peacocks roamed around the lush green grass, Willow trees hung lazily all around our campsite, and the water, oh my god the water! The river was long and wide with water so clear you could see all of the pink and turquoise colored trout shimmying through the water. We fished every day (yeah, I actually like fishing, it surprises me too) from sun up to sun down. We took what we caught back to our campsite and cooked them up for dinner. We also spent a lot of time riding bikes, which was great because I forgot how much I loved riding a bike. I love Austin with all my heart, this place will always be my home, but it is so nice to get away every once in awhile. To experience new towns, people, and ways of living. I hope all of you get to escape from reality for a little while this summer. I'll be back to outfit posts tomorrow, I love all of you!

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