Mar 2, 2015

Frills, Frills, Frills

I have this Victorian hippie vibe going on today. Lately I have been really into mixing different silhouettes. This A-line denim skirt and frilly high neck top just seemed to fit perfectly together. I love mixing and matching. I could spend hours in front of my wardrobe mixing different prints, fabrics, and shapes together. It's interesting spending so much time in front of my wardrobe and seeing all of the different combinations that I can come up with. Is it weird to spend an entire Saturday playing in my closet? Why am I so obsessed with my clothes? Definitely a fashion girl problem.

Have you gotten sick of this skirt yet? I hope not because I have at least 800 more blog posts planned featuring this skirt. It is very important to have pieces in your wardrobe that you can constantly go back to. I used to spend hundreds of dollars a week on clothes that I would only wear once before donating for $15 measly dollars to Buffalo exchange (cheapskates, the lot of them!). Now, I like to invest in nice pieces that I know can carry me through many seasons and many years. That's the big life saving secret to being a fashion girl: spend your money on clothing that you can wear a million times in a million different ways. 

Shop my look below, babes!

Skirt: AG Jean / Top: Zara / Jacket: Nordstrom (old)

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