Dec 20, 2014


 In most of these photos I am twirling, but what else are you going to do when you wear fringe? You wear fringe when you are ready to relax, let go, and have fun. Which is why I have decided to wear it. Relaxing and having fun are two things that have really been missing from my life lately. I have come to a turning point in my life, and there have been a very long series of unfortunate events happening to me lately. I feel like everything is about to change for me, and maybe not in the good way. I almost gave up on my blog because I was at the point where I was thinking, "what is the point of this? This is one of the few places I have creative freedom and can truly be myself, but do I deserve it?" My boyfriend screamed at me when I told him this, and I am glad he did, because I would NEVER give up fashion blogging. It truly makes me so happy. A lot of terrible things may be happening to me now, but I will always have my blog, a place to myself that makes me happy. Everyone deserves that. I might have been MIA from my blog while I was figuring some things out, but not anymore. I am here to stay, so you will be hearing from me a lot more. 

ANYWAYS, rant over. You are probably like, "what the hell is she talking about," but it was just something I needed to say, dammit. I decided to pair this fringe skirt with slick over the knee boots and pops of red in the form of lingerie and the greatest hat in the world. You are going to be so sick of this hat very soon, I can't seem to take it off my head. Red is the best color because it goes with everything. I decided to offset the fringe with these boots and red features to add a little edge to the outfit. Fringe is really bohemian, which is awesome, but if you are wanted less bohemian and more edgy, slick kick-ass boots and red lingerie are the way to go. A mix between city and country. Yes?No?Maybe? I'll let you decide....

hat: Lack of Color
Shirt: Daftbird
Bra:For love & Lemons (in white, the red one is sold out)

I know, it is bullshit that I don't have this skirt for you to shop, it's like the main point of the outfit, but I actually have no idea where it is from. My mom gave it to me as a birthday gift. A mom with good taste, sweet right? I am so sorry, loves. You can shop some really beautiful fringe skirts here and here

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