Apr 22, 2014

Fashion Crush: Lupita Nyong'o

As far as I am concerned, Lupita Nyong'o is the most famous woman in Hollywood. Her beauty, class, sophistication, and style have made her the person to watch. What I love about Lupita is that she is not only a phenomenal actress, but she is also a fashion genius and an advocate for feeling beautiful in your own skin. Lupita talks openly about the self conscious struggles she has faced with her dark skin, we know that she didn't always feel as beautiful as she does now. I think that is apart of what makes her so beautiful to us, in our eyes she is a flawless beauty, and she could totally just run with this. She could strut around acting like she is queen of the universe and we would still love her, but she doesn't do that. The fact that she can stand up in front of the world and admit her insecurities makes her human, and being human is beautiful. Women like Lupita are working to fix the impossible standards that women are faced with.
 Lupita has so much confidence in herself, even when she is talking about her past struggles with her looks. She gives you hope for yourself. She is such a positive force in the movie industry right now, and I suggest all of you follow her and her work. She is beautiful inside and out, and her closet is to die for. Seriously, if you haven't seen pictures of her from fashion week or pictures of her twirling in that beautiful powder blue Prada dress she wore to the Oscars, then you are missing out. She is someone to look up to, and if you are looking for a new fashion crush, she is the perfect candidate. I think Lupita is going to be my main source of inspiration, fashion wise and inner peace wise, for a long time.
"I hope that my presence on your screen and my face in magazines may lead you, young girls, on a beautiful journey. That you will feel the validation of your external beauty, but also get to the deeper business of being beautiful inside."- Lupita Nyong'o

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