Dec 30, 2013

Vintage NYE

New Years Eve is tomorrow!! Yay, the drunkest holiday in existence. NYE is the last night of the year that you can get shamelessly drunk, and when you wake up in a random alley way the next day you don't have to feel bad about yourself because it's a new year and you can start over with your mess of a life. In all seriousness, I have been thinking really hard about New Years goals. I want them to be practical because I never seem to be practical about them and I always fail. Here are some of my New Years goals:

1.) Blog way more- I am really sorry I don't blog more but I am a full time student juggling class, an internship, and a social life. Also, my boyfriend hates taking pictures of me and I can't ask him too much. But in 2014 I promise that I will be blogging a lot more, because I love to do it. I will find a way no matter what!
2.) Try to go to the gym everyday, but don't beat myself up when I am too tired or too busy to go.
3.) Along with that, don't beat myself up when I eat a piece of chocolate cake, or pizza, or candy. I am a freak about eating healthy and looking good, so every time I indulge I end up hating myself for it and that is not healthy.
4.) Get my anxiety under control. Something you don't know about me is that I have really bad anxiety problems. I take pills and see a therapist for it and everything. I am not embarrassed by it, millions of people around the world suffer from anxiety. It's so common. It has always been a part of me and I deal with it, but this year I am going to take full control of it and I'm not going to let it run my life anymore. I will learn to relax.
5.) Get my shopping addiction in check. I need to stop acting like I have millions of dollars in my bank account at all times, because I don't. This year I will shop less, save money, and be thankful for all of the beautiful things I already own. 
6.) Be less lazy, I just need to delete my Netflix account. 

So there you have it! My New Years goals. I'll take it one step at a time. Oh and about this outfit, I just love love loveee the vintage, glamorous look. I found this pillbox hat in an antique store when I was in Astoria, Oregon. I fell in love with the hat and the town! And of course I am wearing sequins. Let's be honest if you aren't wearing sequins on NYE then what are you doing? Happy New Years y'all!

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